wheel bearing noise

Wheel Bearings: Why are they important?

What are wheel bearings?

Wheel bearings are a vital component of a Subaru's wheel assembly, helping to reduce friction and enable smooth wheel rotation. Over time, wheel bearings can become damaged or worn down, leading to a range of issues that can compromise the safety and performance of your vehicle. In this blog, we'll explore why it's important to change the wheel bearings on your vehicle when they're damaged or worn down.

signs of a wheel bearing failure

The most common sign of a damaged wheel bearing is a loud grinding or humming noise coming from the wheel area. This noise is often more pronounced when turning or changing lanes and can indicate that the bearing has worn down or become damaged. When a wheel bearing is damaged, it can cause a range of problems, including reduced fuel efficiency, uneven tire wear, and poor handling.

Why should you replace them?

One of the main reasons why it's important to change the wheel bearings on your vehicle is safety. A damaged or worn down wheel bearing can cause the wheel to become unstable, increasing the risk of accidents or even wheel detachment. This can be especially dangerous at higher speeds or in poor weather conditions.

In addition to safety concerns, failing to replace a damaged wheel bearing can also lead to additional wear and tear on other components of the wheel assembly. This can result in costly repairs down the line and reduce the overall lifespan of your vehicle.

When it comes to replacing wheel bearings on your vehicle, it's important to have the repair performed by a qualified mechanic with specialized knowledge and tools. This is because the process of replacing a wheel bearing involves removing the wheel hub and can be complex and time-consuming.

In Conclusion

Changing the wheel bearings on your Subaru is crucial for maintaining the safety and performance of your vehicle. Signs of a damaged wheel bearing include loud noises and poor handling, and neglecting to replace a damaged bearing can lead to additional wear and tear on other components and costly repairs down the line. If you suspect that your wheel bearings may need replacement, it's important to have them inspected by a qualified mechanic as soon as possible.